Tender No#: 2025003 |
Name | Description |
Certificate of Registration or Incorporation (BRELA Certificate) | Please attach your Certificate of Registration or Incorporation (BRELA Certificate) |
Company profile including the physical location of the business | Company profile including the physical location of the business |
Copy of EFD Receipt | Copy of EFD Receipt |
Names and Contacts of at least five (5) currently Reference Clients | Reference Clients |
Submission of Agro -Dealers License | Dealer License |
Bank Statement | Current previous six month, with Bank Stamp |
TIN Certificate | TIN Certificate |
Business License | Relevant Business License |
Category | Weight |
Technical Evaluation (Capability Criteria Evaluation) | 50 |
Financial Evaluation | 50 |
Category | Criteria | Description | Weight |
Technical Evaluation (Capability Criteria Evaluation) | Previous experience capability in supply of Agriculture Input | Supplier should submit previously performed contracts with NGOs, Goverments or CSOs. For three or more contracts supplier will be awarded all 50% of the marks, For two contracts supplier will be awarded 40% of the marks and for one contract the supplier will be awarded 30% | 50 |